Divide - Statement of Intent

A new day a new project... This is going to be exciting.

Project Outline:

Create a Mixed Reality Game running on the HoloLens 2, controlled by an Xbox One Wireless Controller. The game will feature a world which can only be navigated by dividing the world in two to see hidden objects which are only visible to certain characters. This game is only possible in Mixed or Virtual reality since it requires the player to freely and swiftly move around the level with their gaze to see hidden details and react while swill having simultaneous control of both characters.

Project specifics:

-A brand new and innovative Divide mechanic tied directly to the games story.

-Mixed/Virtual reality only experience possible only due to free view camera movement.

-Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit integration for full HoloLens feature compatibility.

-OpenXR support for further other Platform development and release.

-Xbox One Wireless Controller/VR Motion Controller support for controls.

-A deep and long narrative which exemplifies the divide in human perspectives.

Stretch Goals:

-Full game completion and release on HoloLens 2

-Release on Other Platforms

-Extra Content: "Divide: The Vines, Divide: The Drones"


-Simple, Clear, Stylish

-Responsive, Thoughtful, Clean

-XR First

-Engaging, Thought provoking.


I believe that this project is a true challenge and a great showcase for my skills and direction after Third-Year concludes. My passion and thirst for Immersive Technologies and innovation is pushing me as always to risk everything in the name of creation.